Tuesday, January 14

Tag: Snus

Three Advantages Of Using Snus Instead Of Cigarettes

Three Advantages Of Using Snus Instead Of Cigarettes

Would you use smokeless tobacco instead of cigarettes if you decided to stop smoking? What are the health benefits of smokeless tobacco? Tobacco companies have been developing tobacco products that are less harmful than cigarettes in recent decades. Swedes commonly use smokeless snuff tobacco known as snus. Snus is a healthier alternative to cigarettes. This is because it is smokeless and reduces the risk of developing cancer and other tobacco-related illnesses. Swedish snus consumption has increased, whereas cigarette consumption has decreased dramatically. Compared to other European countries, Sweden smokes the least as they prefer snus to cigarettes. They also claim that snus contributes to improving public health. Let's take a look at all the advantages snus has over smoking. ...