Wednesday, March 26

Sun Damage: How to Protect Yourself

Sun Damage: How to Protect Yourself

The best way to prevent sun damage is to stay out of the sun. Other precautions include wearing sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding direct sunlight in the middle of the day when UV rays are at their strongest.

How Dangerous is sun Exposure?

Eritema solare is the immediate danger of too much sun. Under a powerful microscope, sunburned skin would show that cells and blood vessels have been damaged. When skin is exposed to repeated sun damage, it becomes dry, wrinkled, discolored, and leathery. Even though the skin appears thicker, it actually has been weakened, making it more susceptible to bruises.

Sun exposure is a serious health concern, as it is a leading cause of skin cancer, which is now the most common form of cancer. Preventing sun damage is believed to be the best way to prevent most skin cancers.

Is the Sun Beneficial?

Most foods do not contain vitamin D naturally, so you might have been taught that your body needs sunlight to produce vitamin D. However, many foods are fortified with vitamin D during the manufacturing process. The body’s vitamin D supply is therefore not as dependent on sun exposure as it once was. Of course, most people feel better when they are outside. You are also healthier if you play tennis rather than watch television. But you can still protect yourself from the sun’s damaging effects while enjoying the outdoors.

Eritema solare: 15 rimedi fai da te per eliminare e attenuare sintomi - The Italian Times

How Can I Protect Myself From the Sun’s Harmful Rays?

Sun protection is best achieved by staying out of the sun, but we are all exposed to the sun on a regular basis. Be sure to take the following precautions when you go outside:

  • Sunscreen should always be worn. Make sure you put it on every day. Just like brushing your teeth, make it a habit.
  • Don’t go outside during the middle of the day, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is when ultraviolet rays, which cause sunburn, are strongest.
  • Protect your body with protective clothing. Especially when you are outside for a long period of time during the day. You can protect your body from the sun’s harmful effects by wearing long sleeves and slacks, as well as a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Protect your eyes from UV rays by wearing sunglasses.

SPF Stands for Sun Protection Factor.

Sun protection factor stands for sun protection factor. An SPF number indicates how well the product protects you from UVB rays, the burning rays of the sun. UVA rays are absorbed by most sunscreens, so the higher the SPF number, the more protection it provides. Sunscreens with an SPF of at least 30 are recommended for everyone. Using a sunscreen that has an even higher SPF is recommended if you have had skin cancer or precancer. Many sunscreens today have SPFs of 45 or higher.

Is a low-SPF Sunscreen Suitable for Me if I Don’t Burn That Often?

Sunscreen is the best way to protect yourself from sunburn. However, protecting yourself from sunburn is not the most important reason to wear sunscreen. Instead, you want to minimize the damage caused by the sun. Constant exposure to the sun can cause skin damage, regardless of whether you experience a burn. A sunburn is an instant reaction, but sun damage occurs over the course of a lifetime. A sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is recommended for those who have had skin cancer or pre-cancer.